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Welcome to a new era in advertising:
Facebook Marketing and Video.

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Watch this video for information of how to take your business to the next
level using Smart Phones and Social Media.

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Information on Facebook
Marketing and Video


Benefits of Marketing with a Website:

Facebook is the worlds largest Social Media Platform

Worldwide, 1.47 billion people log in daily.
Meanwhile, 74% of American Facebook users visit daily, half of those checking in multiple times per day. This kind of frequency speaks to the importance of a consistent posting schedule for your Facebook marketing strategy.
 95% of Facebook visits are made on Smartphones and tablets.
Only 31.8 percent of visits are made on desktops or laptops.
Optimizing your content for mobile is non-negotiable.

Video is the hottest marketing trend
71% of people have increased their online video viewing that’s just in the last year.
60% expect to watch more social video next year.
Video has been touted as the dominant form of online consumption for years now, yet it is still growing.
Print Marketing is Dying
People are choosing to get information online via smart phone.
Think of where newspaper was 20 years ago and now.
Most major newspapers have seriously downsized.
Local ad papers are often tossed in the trash as junkmail.
Smart Phone Addiction
Just look around you. Wherever you go, people are on their smartphones, texting, checking email,
or Facebook feeds. Your ad can be set to popup on a Facebook newsfeed.
Here is a youtube video explaining the newsfeed.
Facebook Marketing for Maximum Exposure
With facebook marketing, you can target specific audiences.
Audiences that are likely to purchase your product or service.
Your ad is posted to a facebook user's newsfeed and to their mobile smart phone.
Something that will be seen multiple times.
Your ad can be a photo or a video.
Photo and Video convey a plethora of information compared to a print ad
and is proven to
best medium to describe your product or service.
Think about what a Cartoon Ad could do for your business
Cartoons are lighthearted and fun. People love to view them.
Check the cartoon samples below.
They are basic, but the potential levels of complexity is impressive.
The characters can move, speak, walk, run, fight, dance.

A restaurant for example, could run a flash sale.
You say, I'm going to run a special sale on clam cakes.
You then text your customers, maybe it's 500 people and say
"Hey it's John from John's Pizza, today we have an incredible sale on clam cakes
stop by and get some, 99 cents a dozen!

You send the ad to people who already like your pizza. (they joined your list)
The customer will get your message via a text alert on their phone.
Think of how powerful that is.

Most text messages are checked within a few minutes of getting them.
You keep people interested and joining your list, by giving away a free meal or offer every month.

Take photos and video and use the text app to send the commercial to your clients.
It takes about 15 minutes to run the whole ad.
Build a following by sending content and offers.

Call Customer Service or Text 401-477-2963

Examples of Cartoon Commercials

Mike Kirkwood talks about chlorine in water supply and the reasons that is is necessary and mandated by the state of RI

A clip using actual video with Cartoon added.
Business Insurance
Introduction by Scott Simpson.
Character on business card.
No Power Plant by John Felice
No Power Plant by Paul Roselli
Fictious Pizza Place Ad
A lot of possibility here.
Johnny Transistor
Flying cartoon...
Auto Restoration ad by John Felici


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